September 2014 - Bonjour Natural | Healthy Hair Journey Blog

Time is flying by. I've got to the point where I've stopped counting how many weeks post relaxer I am and I'm just getting ...

Time is flying by. I've got to the point where I've stopped counting how many weeks post relaxer I am and I'm just getting on with things. When it's time to wash my hair, I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the amount of progress I'm making. I recently returned from my holiday in Morocco. The week started off with me caring about what my hair looked like, but after spending an hour straightening it only for the sea air to frizz it up again, I realised there is just more to life! I soon realised that my...

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On 23rd July I did a post about my problem area - the crown . The relaxed hair had broken off really bad leaving just a few inches of natura...

On 23rd July I did a post about my problem area - the crown. The relaxed hair had broken off really bad leaving just a few inches of natural hair. It's been almost 8 weeks since that post and as promised, here is an update on my crown progress 14 Sept 2014. Almost 8 months post My hair dresser has put shorter layers at the top of my head, meaning the longer hairs seen in the first picture have been cut away. This has enabled my crown section to look more even. It's not perfect but it's definitely...

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I'm going on holiday in 5 days and so I wanted my hair to look fresh. The ends were feeling rough and generally my hair needed some sort...

I'm going on holiday in 5 days and so I wanted my hair to look fresh. The ends were feeling rough and generally my hair needed some sort of trim or re-shape. So today I took myself to the hairdressers and got another hair cut. My stylist recommended I install some braids for a few months just to give my hair a break from the heat I've been using. I can't lie - the thought has crossed my mind, but I really don't feel like braids, wigs or weaves are for me personally. I'm doing this transition the...

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