Why bad hair days aren't that bad

We've all had them, right? Those days where your hair doesn't do what you want it to do, or you excitedly prepare it for a style ...

We've all had them, right? Those days where your hair doesn't do what you want it to do, or you excitedly prepare it for a style overnight and in the morning it's a disappointing mess. I'm talking bad hair days - and I've had loads since I've been on my journey. But as I get deeper into my journey, my mentality continues to change and my confidence continues to grow, even when I don't feel I'm looking my best.

Let me digress. Before I began properly taking care of my hair, I would straighten it pretty much daily. Yes, daily! And if I was going out in the evening, I'd often run the flat iron over it again. I couldn't imagine leaving the house without straightening my hair or being seen in public with hair that didn't look sleek and perfectly in place.

Since I've been on my journey I've slowly been cutting out the heat. I've cut down to flat ironing once a week on washdays, and I've pledged to ban blowdrying in my quest to achieve armpit length by December 2016. But that's not good enough if I want maximum length retention, so I've been experimenting with heatless styles on air-dried hair - cutting out heat completely (I'll be writing a post about that soon).

Looking back on my previous heat habits, I cringe in horror at my daily flat ironing and weekly blowdrying.  But my straighteners were my armour - they protected me from 'bad hair days'.

For the last few months I've been wearing my heatless pin-curl out style. Because I install the pin-curls at night, I can never be sure how they will turn out until I take them out in the morning. Sometimes they come out great, other times they don't. In the beginning, that was a scary thought but as time goes by, I've learned to just work with what I've got and accept it in the name of healthy hair!

I live in London and it's notorious for its bad weather. As soon as I step outside, my curls become limp and lifeless because of the rain or wind, or my straight hair becomes frizzy. A few years ago I would have wanted to run and hide because a bad hair day meant a bad day.

But the more I just get on with things and the less precious I am about my hair, the more confident I become - even on days when my hair isn't behaving. I've realised that the only person my misbehaving hair bothers is me. Most people don't even know I'm having an off day!

I've always known that hair should not define how we feel about ourselves. But only now am I really believing it for myself. Hair should not be the make or break of my confidence. I've started to embrace the 'bad hair days'. I've learned that there is no excuse to let my hair bring me down, and the more I face the world while not feeling my best, the more confident I become.

Has your hair journey brought you any realisations?
Did you ever feel less confident when breaking your hair habits?

I would love to hear your stories. 

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  1. Its funny you posted this because i definitely had a bad hair day today. I didn't feel like worrying with styling after my wash day and just air dried in braids with no real plan other than a messy old bun in the morning. It bugged me at first but I tried to put it out of my head. Then I really didn't think about it anymore. At least it's healthy. All that matters right? :)

    1. Hi Andrea, thanks for your comment! Yes, it's deffo all in the mindset. We have to make sacrifices to achieve the healthy hair we want. I hope I can learn how to style my hair 100% heat-free. I washed my hair today, air dried and pin-curled without flat ironing. I'm eager to see tomorrow's results and will be writing a post about it. Really enjoy reading your blog btw - you have lovely hair, definitely one of my inspirations.

    2. Thank you so much, Aicha!!

  2. I definitely have bad hair days from time to time. Right now, my braid-out is hanging on for dear life. At the end of the day, I think we have to feel comfortable with our hair while maintaining its health. One of the great things about being on a hair journey is learning new techniques. I'm still trying to get a method for air drying that doesn't end up as a big puff. :-)

    1. Hey Uzoma, I totally agree! I enjoy the experimental side of things even if they don't always work out. It's all part of the journey.
